Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Faxi's Recovery

Faxi has been home for 10 days now and his recovery is going really well. I found out taking his heart rate was not so easy but thank goodness he had been desensitized to the themometer so tempature taking was a breeze. His tempature slowly went down daily and there is still no explanation for his high heart rate which has also become more normal. At its highest his heart raced at over 70 beats per minute. Very scary. Faxi is still stalled in the shelter for a few more days. He is handling it quite well. The vet had told me I can take him out for walks but as he started feeling better I found out that walking Faxi is not such a good idea. He would start bucking and running at the end of the rope and I became afraid he would slip and fall. For those of you who know Faxi you can imagine! All the other horses gather around his enclosure which seems sweet but as I look at Idunn I imagine she is thinking, "I'd like to get in there and beat him up and then eat his food." She doesn't seem to appreciate allthe special attention he is getting.

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